Nymanbolagen, NV Nymanbolagen NV started by Anders Nyman in Uppsala 1873 making instruments and the company expanded gradually by buying other Swedish bicycle manufacturers. The bicycles were named: Hermes, Crescent, Vega, Drott and Nordstjernan. In 1950 Nymanbolagen produced about 150 000 bicycles and 15 000 motorcycles. In 1906 his son Janne Nyman started production of inboard motors and from 1913 outboard motors. Outboard motors were produced and distributed a few years under many names as: M.B.W. Meteor, Pilot, Prior, Setha, Perfect and Express. All of them was very much “Swedish Evinrudes”. Not very much on the NV outboard front happened until 1954 when the 48cc air-cooled “NV Marin” which soon got the nickname “Nyckelpigan”, (ladybird) was presented. This motor sold in large numbers, (400 000 motors till 1979) and was based on modern German two-stroke principles. The same type of motor was used in the mopeds also produced in large numbers. Nymanbolagen merged with “Monark” in Varberg 1961. Monark was a competeting manufacturer having very much the same product mix as NV. The new companies name: Monark-Crescent AB (MCB). In 1965 MCB bought the production rights to Elektrolux outboard motors including Penta and Archimedes and all this production was moved to Uppsala. In 1973 “Volvo-Penta” in its turn acquires MCB outboard motor production. All outboard motors were produced Uppsala until December 4th 1979 when sadly the last outboard motor in Sweden was produced. Sixty-seven years of Swedish outboard motor production had come to an ending.